The Census

(August  2024)


(July 2024)

What About Palestine?

(June 2024)

Roman Province of Judea

(May 2024)

Roman Tetrarchy of Judea

(April 2024)

Roman Kingdom of Judea

(March 2024

King Herod the Great: Death

(February 2024)

King Herod the Great: Corrupt Character

(January 2024)

King Herod the Great: Politics

(December 2023)

As the Maji Travel

(November 2023)

Mary Had No Sexual Relations

Until After Jesus’ Birth

(October 2023)

Joseph Did as Commanded

(September 2023)

A Virgin will Conceive

(August 2023)

Call His Name Emmanuel


Call His Name Jesus

(June 2023)

Of the Lord

(May 2023)

An Angel Appeared to Joseph

(Apr 2023)

Mary’s Daring Trip to Visit Elizabeth

(Mar 2023)

Mary is Pregnant!

(Feb 2023)

First Cousins: Joseph & Mary

(Jan 2023)

Joseph the Craftsman

(Dec 2022)

Fourteen Generations

(Nov 2022)

Jacob Fathered Joseph

(Oct 2022)

Assyrian & Babylonian Deportations

(Sept 2022)

The Women

(Aug 2022)

Abraham’s Trek: Ur to Canaan

(July 2022)

Jesus: Son of Abraham

(June 2022)

Jesus: Son of David

(May 2022)

The One Called Christ

(Apr 2022)

Jesus: God’s Solution to Our Dilemma

(Mar 2022)

Voice Out of the Heavens

(Feb 2022)

Anointing of Jesus: Spirit of God Descending

(Jan 2022)

Jesus Fulfilled All Rigteousness

(Dec 2021)

He Will Immerse You in the Holy Spirit and Fire

(Nov 2021)

Not Worthy to Put Away His Sandals

(Oct 2021)

I Immerse You in Water into Repentance

(Sept 2021)

These Stones

(Aug 2021)

Abraham as Our Father

(July 2021)

Fruit Consistent with Repentanace

(June 2021)

Brood of Poisonous Snakes

(May 2021)

Who Were the Sadducees?

(April  2021)

Who Were the Pharisees?

(March 2021)

Acknowledging Their Sins

(February 2021)

They Were Immersed

(January 2021)

Jordan River

(December 2020)

Locusts and Wild Honey

(November 2020)

Camel Hair Clothing & Skin Belt

(October 2020)

Make His Paths Straight

(September 2020)

The Kingdom of the Heavens

(August 2020)


(July 2020)

Bethany Beyond the Jordan

(June 2020)

The Judean Desert

(May 2020)

John the immerser

(April 2020)

Jesus Would Be Called a Nazarene

(March 2020)

Joseph Resided in Nazareth

(February 2020)


(January 2020)

Archelaus Was Ruler

(December 2019)

Those Seeking the Life of the Child Have Died

(November 2019)

Rachel - Ramah

(October 2019)

From Two Years and Under

(September 2019)

Flight into Egypt

(August 2019)

What is Myrrh?

(July 2019)

What is Frankincense?

(June 2019)

They Offered Him Gifts


They Worshiped Him

(April 2019)

When Did the Magi Arrive?

(March 2019)

The Magi Meet Jesus

(February 2019)

The Star Stood Above Where the Child Was

(January 2019)

The Date of Jesus’ Birth

(December 2018)

Who Were the Scribes?

(November 2018)

Who Were the Chief Priests?

(October 2018)

Bethlehem of Judah

(September 2018)

His Star

(August 2018)

No Blog Post in July


Magi’s Connection with Daniel, Prophet of God

(June 2018)

Magi’s Source of Knowledge

(May 2018)

Two Sure Ways to Increase Your Faith

(April 2018)

Magi from the East - Part 2

(March 2018)

Magi from the East - Part 1

(February 2018)


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“Were not our hearts burning within us … while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32 NASB)