Travel an extraordinary journey with Jesus and experience some of the most mind-blowing events in human history.

Born to Die (Seminar)

     During the half-day Born to Die multimedia seminar, you will:

· Explore the first 30 years of Jesus’ life on Earth.

· Face the angel, Gabriel, as he explains to Mary that she will bear a divine Child.

· Cry with Joseph as he struggles to cope with Mary’s pregnancy.

· Dash with the shepherds into Bethlehem to find the newborn Messiah.

· Follow the star with the Magi in a caravan trek across more than 1,000 miles of rugged, foreign terrain.

· Flee to Egypt with Joseph and Mary on their great escape from Herod.

· Frolic with the boys, Jesus and John, at the Passover festival in Jerusalem.

· Join Jesus at the river with John as the Spirit descends and a thundering Voice out of the sky confirms, “This is My Son!”


To schedule a half-day or full-day multimedia seminar, send an e-mail to or call 210-445-7319.




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Burning Heart Bible StudiesSEMINAR CONTENT

“Were not our hearts burning within us … while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32 NASB)